Anonymous Patriots

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I REFUSE to sign any Corporate Government Contracts. Jurisdiction must be absolutely proven, in writing, and signed by my Accusers, under Pain and Penalty of Perjury, including their BAR numbers, if applicable, and listing all bonding companies, with Bond Numbers. If my Accusers are “Self Bonded” they must state so (which is a violation of Commercial Law, since to be lawfully bonded it must be done by a 3rd disinterested party, or it is “The wolf guarding the henhouse”, not to mention “Misappropriation of Public Funds). I am not a citizen of the U. S. corporations, but am an American National. I did not create the all uppercase, Legal Fiction name. I am in no way lawfully required to claim ownership of a name I did not personally create, and I do not claim ownership of the Legal Fiction name.
My accusers need to provide my “Wet Ink Signature” on a Lawful, Original Contract, stating that I have wilfully submitted my God given rights, in exchange for government granted privileges (it will never happen) must be presented as part of “Lawful Proof” that I am in the Corporate Jurisdiction of any level of corporate government, be it city, county, state, or federal.
I demand ALL Rebuttals to my Affidavit be done in writing, in the form of an Affidavit, including absolute proof of all accusations, “The truth, the whole truth, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, so help you God (known as the long Oath. I will not permit the short Oath), with full disclosure, without duress, signed under Pain and Penalty of Perjury.
I demand all “presumed” “Injured Parties” also provide absolute proof of me injuring them, in writing, in the form of an Affidavit, with Full Disclosure, Without Duress, signed under Pain and Penalty of Perjury.
Any arrest of my “Natural Man” body must be done by a Common Law, Constitutionally Compliant Sheriff or a U. S. Marshall for the continental united States, not a corporate US Marshal or corporate County Sheriff. An Oath of Office will be demanded as proof of lawful office, not just a badge or ID card. There must be a Lawful Warrant for my arrest, via a Presentment or Indictment from a Common Law Grand Jury of 25 Jury Members. I demand that it be done in public, not private or secret, with Full Due Process of Law, and all Due Diligence, as per the Constitution prior to 1871, commonly known as the “Organic Constitution of the united States of America, with the Original Intent. This is to include the “Original” 13th Amendment, commonly called the TONA Amendment. It was last ratified March 12, of 1819, and has never been lawfully removed, regardless what BAR registrants want the public to think.
If I am arrested and/or taken to court, charges for violation of Commercial Law may be issued, since the current government is just a mass of corporations, acting in commerce, and not lawfully allowed to operate in any Publicly Funded Building, commonly known as courthouses.
I Reserve All Rights, Waive None, and anything I am put Under Duress to sign with the corporate “Presumed” government will be signed “Non-Assumpsit”; meaning: “No Contract, or promise, as alleged.”
I Reserve the Right to change, alter, or delete any part or all, of this Lawful Public Notice. I also Reserve the Right to expose any and/or all proceedings, even to the international level, to expose the fraud, and/or seek restitution, and/or Redress of Grievances.
Wayne Von Bachmann








Wayne Bachmann
Wayne Bachmann I just noticed, today is the 3 month date since LaVoy’s murder.

Darly Gardiner
Darly Gardiner Blimey have you got a kinky streak?…must be the heavy duty cufflinks 😉😊

DeWayne Brothwell
Wayne Bachmann
Wayne Bachmann Posted it before I get arrested, so everyone can see it. I will probably be adding to it. it usually takes about 5 edits before I am happy with whatever I am writing.

Wayne Bachmann
Wayne Bachmann I may get arrested anyway, but this will serve as further evidence of being lawfully Noticed for when the Nuremberg Trials re-emerge.

Priss Richards
Priss Richards With all your help in improving the refuge, government should instead compromise with Bundy’s and anyone else who needs to come to reason. They are not the only group of ranchers or land users to feel effected by the over reaching government.

Priss Richards
Priss Richards Or pay you guys for improving the conditions out there, from the sounds of it. I heard your talk on the radio show.

Wayne Bachmann
Wayne Bachmann They don’t care about anything but protecting themselves and taking the land. BTW, there is an improved version of this also. I will be adding, modifying as ideas come to mind. thanks for everybody’s support.

Wayne Bachmann
Wayne Bachmann Just CMAs and hopefully giving others a pattern to do the same.

Cindy Wisner
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Wayne Bachmann
Wayne Bachmann It is about taking the land, power, and control, as well as money.

Wayne Bachmann
Wayne Bachmann There are way more of us than there are of them, so let’s us just do what is right, and let the chips fall where they may.

Annie Wallace Buck
Annie Wallace Buck I believe this info could be how NOT to get arrested by the corporation/corporate entities, According to Alaska State Judge Anna Von Reitz; and; Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate – Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship…/top-12-steps-to…/ I respect the heck out of this woman and what she has done! You may want to consider getting this information to the Bundy’s and Hammon’s.

I am not an activist. I am a Judge of the Alaska State Superior Court, and the Alaska State is one of Several States guaranteed the land jurisdiciton of Alaska by Statehood Compact. That means that…
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Tracey Clarke's photo.

Tracey Clarke

13 hrs ·

What if this was your daughter?
Not a word from San Jose Mayor
not a word from Obama
not a word from Hillary
not a word from Bernie

The only word was from Trump Condemning this, the San Jose Mayor justified the beatings and the police watched on and did nothing.
If we don’t Vote Trump in this Country will be a 3rd world Hellhole

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Debbie Bates

Debbie Bates Some people need a good old fashion ass whipping.

Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
Christian Miller

Day 3…. I was standing waist deep, dodging the waves as I saw 2 fins coming towards me from the deep blue water. I could hear the theme song to Jaws in the background. Being a native of the Island House Hotel, I knew the fins were from playful Dolphins… I felt something brush past me from behind, as I turned I came face to face with a sea creature….after a brief skirmish I subdued the creature and took it ashore to offer it as supper to Ms.Teresa….Teresa declined the offering and told me to release the beast… As I took my prisoner back into the deep he promised me that I would never see him again…. So far he has been true to his word.

Craig Godbold's photo.
Sue Randall's photo.



Anonymous PatriotsLike Page

17 hrs ·

Ha guys just found this. This is a Militia group working with the BLM. And when you confront them about it, they defend the BLM. I believe I found out who the guys were who was protecting sheriff ward in Oregon.

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